New TV? Who You Gonna Call?
Getting that new flat screen mounted on the wall, wired properly, or hooked up to external speakers is not a five-minute DIY job. Complications just take the fun out of it. E-Connect Technology is set up to accommodate your needs and eliminate the pain. Did you know...
Getting Control
Recently E-Connect Technologies and A Plus Electric teamed up to install Lutron switches in a customer’s home. This allowed the home owner to switch lights and appliances on and off through Alexa, wall switches, or smartphone. With a system like this, it’s also...
E-Connect Technologies Is Open
E-Connect Technologies is open! By now, you may have heard about additional restrictions imposed by the State of Michigan in response to COVID. These restrictions, lasting three weeks, do not affect many businesses. AE-Connect Technology will continue to respond to...
A Sad Tale
An E-Connect Technology customer called Carl Evanson with a tale of woe. The customer’s sump pump had failed. Knee-deep water ruined everything stored in the basement. What’s more, the customer didn’t even know about the disaster for three days. The customer...
July 4th
The home crowd enjoyed a salute to our nation’s independence Saturday night. This annual fireworks display has become a tradition of the Menard’s family (not the same as the store). The event is under the watchful eye of Evelyn Menard, who is now 96. The rest of the family help launch the fireworks from their dock along Clark Lake’s Ocean Beach. And rafts and boats watch the event from the east end of the lake.
Security for Business and Home
Feeling responsible for what happens at your place of business and home is natural. Good security helps you keep an eye on things. E-Connect Technology is ready to install the latest hi tech cameras or improve your legacy systems. Concerns are allayed when you can...
A Security Message from E-Connect Technology
In uncertain times, people take precautions. A high def security camera with a recording system is a good start. E-Connect Technology can help by professionally installing this added layer of security for home or work. If you prefer to install it yourself, an...
Working from Home?
Working from home? Because of the current health risk, some employers are sending people home and asking them to work from there. Will this be happening to you or someone you know? If so, good internet will be on the top of your list for work space must-haves....
Getting Your Digital House in Order
The Exponent recently interviewed E-Connect Technology's Carl Evanson about getting your digital house in order. Carl headlined the dilemma this way, "We get a lot of phone calls from people that will buy a shopping cart full of stuff at Best Buy, bring it home and...
Time Out for a Photo Op
Some E-Connect Technology team members took a few minutes from their work for a photo in front of the newly wrapped van. E-Connect Technology is located at 9039 Meridian Road (US 127), Clark Lake. The E-Connect team shares the building with A Plus Electric.